Tech2B News

Diversity as a Driver for Innovation in the Industry

Diversity as a Driver for Innovation in the Industry

Nienke Vergeer is convinced that teams with a greater diversity of skills and backgrounds can solve digitalisation challenges more quickly and efficiently. "If you want to make an impact, the industry is a great place to do it."

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Paving the Way for an Innovative Reconciliation Method in High-tech Ecosystems

Paving the Way for an Innovative Reconciliation Method in High-tech Ecosystems

Digitisation: the recipe for growth without additional employees. The exact level of Dutch productivity growth is a matter of debate. Was it really 0.2 percent in recent years, or does the net percentage turn out higher when corrected for inflation figures? The fact remains that a pro …

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To innovate smarter, compete in the International Ecosystem

To innovate smarter, compete in the International Ecosystem

China is just as smart as us, perhaps even smarter because they have more people, and they have just as much money. But what gives the Dutch high-tech industry an international lead is that we innovate more smartly. “We've moved from collaborating to innovating together. We do this in …

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The Impact of Connectivity, Platforms, and Digitalisation

The Impact of Connectivity, Platforms, and Digitalisation

Royal Metaalunie chairman Mark Helder on the opportunity for the Dutch manufacturing industry: Supply chain automation as a prerequisite for growth In recent years, the frontrunners in the manufacturing industry have accelerated digitisation, putting them even further ahead of the pac …

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Gateway to capacity, machinery, expertise, testing, and knowledge.

Gateway to capacity, machinery, expertise, testing, and knowledge.

The Drechtsteden-Gorinchem region is known for its close-knit cluster of manufacturing industries, with a high density of SMEs and a relatively tight ecosystem, primarily focused on the maritime and offshore sector. Today, Smart Delta Drechtsteden, Duurzaamheidsfabriek, InnovationQuar …

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"The value of the Dutch manufacturing industry."

"The value of the Dutch manufacturing industry."

The Dutch manufacturing industry is of great importance for the Dutch economy and solving societal challenges. This is evident in the recent TNO report 'The value of the Dutch industry', which was commissioned by VNO-NCW and FME. In this report, the Dutch manufacturing industry is pra …

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Collaboration between Tech2B and CWB to make supply chains less vulnerable.

Collaboration between Tech2B and CWB to make supply chains less vulnerable.

Digitalization makes the manufacturing industry an increasingly attractive target for cybercriminals. The Cyber Weerbaarheidscentrum Brainport (CWB) translates the expertise that large companies build up in this area to small and medium-sized manufacturing companies. And it brings com …

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Even small businesses can participate in the digitization process.

Even small businesses can participate in the digitization process.

Tech2B facilitates digital communication outside of ERP software as an SCSN service provider. Communication within various value chains is increasingly becoming digital. But what if you are a smaller supplier, dependent on the work passed on by the big players, and you do not yet use …

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Marc Hendrikse advocates for support for smaller manufacturing companies with their digitalization efforts.

Marc Hendrikse advocates for support for smaller manufacturing companies with their digitalization efforts.

Digitalization in the manufacturing industry is currently progressing rapidly among larger suppliers. They are increasingly exchanging data digitally with their customers, the OEMs. However, further data exchange in the supply chain often comes to a halt. That needs to change, says Ma …

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What is the manufacturing industry?

What is the manufacturing industry?

The manufacturing industry is an important sector of the economy that focuses on the production of goods and materials. It encompasses all activities involved in designing, developing, producing, and distributing products. This can range from simple craft activities to complex and aut …

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